New Beginnings

March 21, 2015

2015 is shaping up to be a GREAT year of New Beginings. A year of taking the foundations that have been planted and growing them to the next level! A new day, a glorious horizon in the distance, and a long days work ahead! Starting the work that leads up to Comic Con! New collectables, new commissions, and an expansion of my "Heresy" universe is in the works! That along with crowd funding my next exhibit is gonna keep me BUSY!! But I love it! Hell I wouldn't have it any other way!! Gonna ride it till the wheels fall off! Stay tuned y''s gonna be one hell of a ride. #driven #36chambersofart #newbeginings #warlord #onmygrind #backtobasics #watchmework


Adapt or Die...New Growth!


Artist's Life Vol. Dos